Friday, January 24, 2020

Womens Role During World War II :: essays papers

Womens Role during WWll World War II was the largest and most violent armed conflict in the history of mankind. It has affected millions of people around the world both, directly and indirectly. Even though half of a century separates us from the unforgettable event, it left horrible memories especially in those who saw, felt and experienced World War II which was waged on land, on sea, and in the air all over the earth for approximately six years. Whether it’s a battle, hospital, or holocaust, there are so many stories from the survivors, who can teach us not only about the profession of arms, but also about military preparations, global strategies and combined operations in the coalition war against fascism. My interviewee went through a lot during World War II and sharing her amazing story left me evaluating her words for a long time, rethinking and still not willing to imagine the pain. She was one of the 150,000 American woman served in the Women’s Army Corps during the war years. They were one of the first ones to serve in the ranks of the United States Army. She recalls being teased a lot about being a young woman in a uniform but was very proud of it. Women finally were given the opportunity to make a major contribution to the national affair, especially a world war. It started with a meeting in1941 of Congresswoman Edith Nourse Rogers and General George Marshall, who was the Army’s Chief of Staff. Rogers asked General to introduce a bill to establish an Army women’s corps, where my interviewee, Elizabeth Plancher, was really hoping to get the benefits after the World War II along with other women. ( Since after World War I women came back from war and were not entitled to protection or any medical benefits. ) Mrs. Plancher was a strong-willed woman, dedicated to her goals. She was waiting for this day to happen and it did finally making many women happy. The bill was introduced in May, 1941. At first it failed to receive consideration but General helped to get the bill through the congress. After all the paper work, â€Å"auditions† were passed. Applicants had to be between 20-40. Elizabeth was 22 at that time. She was 5'4, about 120 lbs which suited the position. Only 1,000 women were accepted into the special Women's Army Auxiliary Corps ( WAAC).

Thursday, January 16, 2020

In the Future Schoolteachers Will Be Replaced by Computers

With the present wide use of computers, in the course of teaching, more and more teachers are in favour of using computers as an aid in teaching their students or in appropriating the latest information from the Internet. However, I am not a believer in the argument that computers may in the future take the place of teachers in teaching students. Firstly, the creators of any education program and software need to be teachers or workers in the education system, or programmers who had previously worked in education.Therefore, although students may learn knowledge by computer, the skills and ideas ultimately emanate from the teaching staff. Secondly, while the computer may offer a correct answer or explanation to students, the comprehension capability of every student varies from student to student, making it is impossible for the computer to offer an explanation catered to a student’s particular level of understanding. However, the teacher is able to undertake this task, as he o r she possesses expertise in teaching.For example, when a teacher discovers that many students cannot understand professional knowledge, he or she may offer explanatory examples. The computer, however, may only analyze a question in terms of a simple right or wrong response. Finally, the teachers are invariably responsible for carrying a dual role. Most teachers act as not only an educator, but also a kind of father or mother-figure in taking care of students in school.The teacher is able to assist parents in solving a child’s mental problems other than imparting daily knowledge. The computer, which is purely an algorithmic electronic device, cannot hope to assist in this regard. In summary, the computer may not play a major role in education in comparison to the benefits of a teacher bestows. However, it is critical that teachers improve their old teaching modes by using computers at some level of educational teaching.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Activity of Sport as an Integral Component of Societies all Over the World Sports Development Free Essay Example, 2000 words

The origins of the term, Sports Development dates back to 1965, when the Sports Council was established by the British government as an advisory body. Actually, Sports Development Council was the original name that was proposed to that advisory body, whose role was to come up with policies for the development of sports activities among the people. Thus, any activity which encourages people to play more sports came to be known as sports development. Collins (2009, p. 4) defines sports development as a process whereby effective opportunities, processes, systems and structures are set up to enable and encourage people in all or particular groups and areas to take part in sport and recreation or to improve their performance to whatever level they desire . Although, this facilitating and encouraging role is normally played by the government bodies and officials, along with government authorized sports associations, nowadays more non-governmental and non-sports bodies and its personnel a re also taking the role of Sports Development practitioners. This is because sports development is normally at the margin of the governments field of vision , and only few times in the last twenty years that sports development was given prominence by the central government, like during the urban riots in the early 1980s and during the brief period of office of John Major, an enthusiast for sport .We will write a custom essay sample on The Activity of Sport as an Integral Component of Societies all Over the World: Sports Development or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page